We are all aware of how crucial it is to select the ideal number and kind of solar panels for installation. Similar to this, when installing solar panels, the positioning and orientation of the panels must be taken into account. Can solar panels be installed on an east-facing roof, though? The short answer is yes, they will function. The orientation of solar panels is one of many factors that determine where they should be placed, but it is also one of the most crucial ones. Read this article and you can learn more about solar panel direction.

How Do Solar Panels Work?

To begin answering any questions, it is necessary to understand how solar panels function. Photovoltaic cells, also known as solar cells, are the building blocks of solar panels.

These cells take solar energy and transform it into electricity. Since each cell has a semiconductor material-filled space between a pair of electrodes on either side, this is made possible.

When sunlight strikes this material, some of its photons, or packets of light energy, dislodge electrons from their atoms, allowing the cell to produce an electric current.

The cells are also mounted on a flat surface, like your roof, and wired together.

The efficiency rating of a solar panel is defined as its ability to convert approximately 15% of the solar energy it receives into electricity.”

Solar panels can produce more power and take up less space if they are more efficient.

Can Solar Panels Be Installed On An East-facing Roof?

For those who are unable to mount their solar panels facing south, east-facing roofs are a fantastic alternative.

Even though east-facing is the second-best orientation, it is still much more effective than west or north-facing and can produce 80% of the energy that a south-facing system would produce in a region with ideal sunlight conditions, such as Southern California.

Benefits Of Solar Panels On An East-Facing Roof

  • In the winter, sunlight reaches east-facing roofs in the morning, late in the day, and all day long.
  • Still generates 80% of what a south-facing roof would, despite being less effective.

Drawbacks Of Solar Panels On An East-Facing Roof

  • Energy production is reduced by 80% due to morning shade cast by trees and structures.
  • a reduction in sunlight during the summer, when it is most necessary. Tracking devices that follow the sun all day long can help to limit this.
  • Greater sunlight is received by south-facing roofs, which can increase return on investment.

What Must Be Considered Before Installing Solar Panels On An East-facing Roof?

You must first take into account the climate and weather patterns in your area. An east-facing roof will typically be shaded by trees or other structures in the afternoon when the sun is at its highest if it snows frequently where you live; west roofs are less likely to be shaded in the afternoon.

You should also think about how much room you have on your roof. It makes no sense to position solar panels so that they will produce less energy simply because of their orientation if there is only limited space for them.

Through the use of this tool, you can quickly determine which orientation is ideal for your location and how much it would cost to install them there.

Read: Can You Put Solar Panels On A Metal Roof?

Best Solar Panel Direction Overall

In general, facing solar panels south is the best option. In nearly all cases, homeowners will achieve the highest electric bill savings and the quickest payback period by facing their solar panels south over any other direction.

The following are some ways that facing your solar panels south enhances solar economics: it maximizes solar output, it maximizes your ability to take advantage of net metering, and it maximizes your ability to utilize battery storage.

Below, we go into greater detail about each of these causes.

South Is Best Direction To Maximize Solar Panel Output

In the Northern Hemisphere, where the United States is located, solar panels will achieve maximum possible electricity production when they are facing south.

This is due to the fact that throughout the year, the sun shines directly over the Equator on average. The best way to get the most sunlight if you’re north of the equator is to face it. In fact, everywhere north of the Tropic of Cancer (23.4°N Latitude), which encompasses the entire U.S. mainland – the Sun moves across the southern half of the sky all year round.

In other words, solar panels are oriented south all year long, the United States will be in the sun.

South Is Best For Homes With Net Metering

If you’re in a location where full retail (1:1) net metering is available, the best direction for your solar panels is south.

will solar panels work on an east facing roofs

This is so that, if 1:1 net metering is possible, you can most effectively reach your desired level of solar output, regardless of when that power is generated.

Let me explain: solar panels facing south generate the most powerful overall, but they also generate the most power during midday. Your consumption is typically at its lowest during the middle of the day, so there will be a large amount of extra power generated.

Surplus power under net metering is beneficial: you can export that electricity to the grid in return for bill credits equal to the full retail value.

In other words, it won’t matter if you produce solar power if you live in a place with 1:1 net metering. Instead, you’ll want a solar power setup that produces 100% of your electricity usage at the minimum possible cost; this can be achieved by orienting your solar panels south.

South Is Best With Battery Systems

South-facing panels are best if you plan to install a battery storage system such as the Tesla Powerwall or Sonnen Eco.

This is so that you can produce as much power as you can throughout the day if your system uses batteries. By orienting your solar panels toward the sun, you should be able to generate enough extra power to recharge your battery while also satisfying your daytime energy requirements. At peak times, overnight, and during grid outages, you can then use your battery to power your home.

You can increase your ability to use energy on your own by combining south-facing solar panels with a battery solution. This entails a lesser reliance on the grid or even the capacity to completely disconnect from it.

How Much Does Solar Panels Direction Affect On Output?

For maximum output in the United States, solar panels should be pointed true south (at 180 degrees from solar noon). You can anticipate a decrease in solar panel output if you face them in any other direction.

Panels Facing Southwest Or Southeast

The power generated by solar panels installed on a roof facing southwest or southeast will typically be 8% lower than the power generated by the same panels in the same climate on a roof facing south.

Panels Facing East And West

Around 15% less output will be produced by panels mounted on a roof with a standard pitch facing east or west than by panels mounted on the same pitch facing south.

Panels Facing North

A standard pitch roof with solar panels facing north, or away from the sun, will produce about 30% less energy than a roof with solar panels facing south.

Read: How Much Energy Do Solar Panels Produce Per Day?

Final Words

For those who are unable to install their solar panels facing south, east-facing roofs are a fantastic alternative.


  • How Do Solar Panels Transport Energy?
  • How Do Solar Panels Store Energy?