You might be considering whether an off-grid micro-hydro might be a good fit for your requirements as you develop your own off-grid homestead. Micro hydro can be an effective energy source because it produces power more steadily and with less visibility. Here, we will talk about how hydropower turbines work and something you want to know about hydropower for an off-grid home.

Can Hydropower Be Used In Homes And Businesses

A hydropower turbine that produces between 5kW and 10kW can typically power homes, farms, and small businesses. Micro hydro systems are defined as turbines with a 10kW rating. Impulse turbines, such as those found in the Pelton Wheel or Turgo Wheel designs, are the most frequently used type of turbine for micro hydropower.

How Do Hydropower Turbines Work

The terms hydropower or hydro-energy imply the extraction of energy from running or flowing water.

The expressions are also used to refer to fresh water rather than seawater. A barrier must be built in the water’s path in order to generate electricity through hydropower. The water is then channeled and made to drop when its potential energy is converted into kinetic energy.

This energy is then extracted by means of a turbine. Hydropower has a very wide scope. Few watts to several gigawatts of energy can be produced. In fact, the world’s largest power plant is a hydro energy project called the Three Gorges Dam in China.

It has a nameplate capacity of a whopping 22 gigawatts. Large-scale hydropower projects have the power to power not only towns and cities but an entire nation!

Micro Hydropower For Off-Grid Houses

These are the various hydropower projects’ classifications:

  • Pico hydro-energy comprises projects which have a capacity of 5 kilowatts or less.
  • Micro-hydro means capacities of 5 kilowatts to 100 kilowatts
  • Small-scale hydro means capacities of 10 megawatts or less
  • Anything above 10 megawatts is classified as large-scale hydro

Numerous nations are heavily dependent on hydropower. For example, Norway gets more than 98% of its energy from hydropower. Even to this day hydropower is one of the cheapest modes of electricity generation.

Furthermore, the energy extracted is renewable energy. The water cycle in nature ensures that water is always replenished. There are no co2 emissions when converting water’s kinetic energy into electricity.

However, as will be discussed later, this does not imply that hydropower does not have any detrimental environmental effects. Rivers and streams flow at varying rates.

The flow rate of fresh water also varies across the year and therefore to extract energy there are different types of turbines, some more suitable than the others depending upon the head of water and the fluid.

The hydrostatic energy of water is measured by its head. It is simply the height of water above a certain point. It is a measurement of the available height above the turbine for hydropower.

The flow rate is another factor. The flow rate is the volume of water crossing a certain point in a second. Based on the head of water and the flow rate at a certain location, the turbine type is selected.

Can A Water Turbine Power A House

All renewable ‘alternative’ energy generation systems can power a house, but sizing depends on your home’s energy consumption in kilowatt-hours (kWh). This is the first step, to determining how much energy a home uses over the year.

One way is to add up the power ratings of all household appliances and multiply the rating in watts by the estimated number of hours each appliance would be used throughout the year.

There are two reasons why this approach isn’t particularly effective. First, usage is only an estimate, so you could be using too much or not enough.

Second, some appliances are challenging to evaluate. For example, HVAC, fridges, and freezers have compressor motors on board, which start and stop in cycles according to temperature target settings.

Motor surge currents are 3 times greater than a motor’s running current, a fact which isn’t reflected on the nameplate rating. In addition, a low power factor may lead you to believe that Watts = Volts x Amps at all times. In AC circuits it often does not.

How Much Water Power Can Your Property Produce

Your property’s ability to handle energy is dependent on two factors:

  • How many drops do you have (pressure/head)
  • How much water flows through your property

Determine the head (or pressure) you have available and measure the stream’s flow rate in order to determine how much power you could theoretically produce. When you have these figures, it is simple to calculate the available power by multiplying the pressure by the flow rate.

Tip: Calculations are incredibly simple thanks to Google Search’s integrated calculator that performs the unit conversion. Enter the following into Google search to determine your hydropower production capacity:

100 gallons/minute * 30 psi in watts

This will give you back the amount of power that a stream flowing at 100 gallons per minute and 30 psi of static pressure would. Substitute the values you measured.

You should be aware that the calculated value is the absolute maximum. In the final installed system, you’ll likely get between 50% and 80% of this value.

How To Generate Electricity From Water At Home

Micro hydropower turbines of all standard sizes are widely available. The generator below is supplied by Sunoco and is an example of a typical 5kW unit.

The diagram underneath gives a great idea of the installation configuration and the kind of construction required.

  • Micro Hydro Power For Off-grid Houses

Even though I recommend a complete project from the study, design through to completion is done by a professional installer, and many homeowners have built and installed their own systems. Everything is doable! It’s just that using a pro eliminates any costly mistakes.

Home micro hydropower systems are much more efficient than either solar or wind turbine. They produce a higher, more consistent output and have an equal or longer lifespan.

Can I Use Hydro-power For A Grid Connected System

You must install a grid-tie inverter, which enables your generator to operate in tandem with the power entering your home, in order to use a micro-hydro system with a home that is connected to the grid. You may be able to sell any extra electricity back to the grid in some states.

To find out what might be feasible in your area, speak with your power company and the local installers of renewable energy sources. You will undoubtedly need the utility company’s approval for a grid-tie system and will need a commercial system installed by a specialist.